
Operation and
For Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems
When you buy a $1500 washing machine, it comes with a comprehensive booklet explaining how to operate and maintain the machine. It would be reasonable to assume that when a building owner takes possession of a building with up to $20 million dollars of air conditioning plant and equipment – they are given a document detailing the operation and maintenance of these systems.
An O & M manual means that people not familiar with HVAC systems can operate those systems on a day-to-day basis. The manual also includes procedures to follow when a fault occurs, or if there is an emergency. The maintenance instructions detail the frequency of all preventative maintenance operations to ensure the trouble-free operation of the plant.

We develop and produce a manual to IRHACE standard 01 or to the ASHRAE Guideline 4-2019.
The normal contents of an O & M manual are:
Description of systems
Operating instructions
Routine maintenance
Equipment details
Manufacturers data
Commissioning reports
Warranties and guarantees
As-built drawings
If your building does not have a manual Airlab can develop one retrospectively.
Once this comprehensive manual is completed it can be updated with information and changes to the building.